作成: 1996/09/14 井上 信
データ番号 :040013
目的 :陽子線治療用小型サイクロトロン建設の現状
放射線の種別 :陽子
放射線源 :陽子サイクロトロン(230MeV, 100nA)
線量(率) :2Gy in <1min
利用施設名 :ハーバード大学サイクロトロン、マサチューセッツ総合病院(MGH)サイクロトロン
照射条件 :大気中
応用分野 :ガン治療、放射線物理
概要 :
詳細説明 :
表1 The main characteristics of the machine. (原論文1より引用。 Reproduced from Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res., B79 p.885 (1993), Y.Jongen, A.Laisne, W.Beeckman, J.P.Dufer, H.Marie, R.Verbruggen, H.Wollnik, N.Takahashi, S.Satoh, M.Sano and T.Takayama, Progress report on the IBA-SHI small cyclotron for cancer therapy, Table 1 (Data source 1, pp.885), Copyright (1993), with permission from Elsevier Science NL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.)
Magnet system ---------------------------------
Number of sectors 4
Sector angle at the center 36°
Sector angle at extraction 57°
Maximum gap height 48mm
Maximum hill field 2.9T
Minimum valley field 0.9T
Average field at extraction 2.165T
Average field at center 1.74T
Spiral angle at the center 0°
Spiral angle at extraction radius 60°
Total current 5.324x105At
Apparent current density in coils 155A/cm2
Actual current density in coils 200A/cm2
Power per coil 87.5kW
Weight of one coil 20.8ton
Weight of the iron 190ton
Rf system--------------------------------------
Resonating system 2dees in opppsite valleys
Harmonic mode H=4
Dee voltage 100kV
Frequency 106.11MHz
Length of resonator 60cm
Capacitive loading estimated
(each resonator) 58pF
Total rf power estimated
for 100 kV 65kW
Operation vacuum 5x10-6mbar
Source type hot filament PIG
Source turn on/off time 15 μs
Extracted intensity 1-100nA
Output vertical emittance 1-2π mm mrad
Output horizontal emittance 1-2π mm mrad

図1 Preliminary layout of beam line equipment for the Northeast Proton Therapy Center including subsystem names.(原論文2より引用。 Reproduced from Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res., B99 p.830 (1995), J. Franz, S. Durlacher, M. Goitein, A. Levine, P. Reardon, A. Smith: Overview of the MGH-Northeast Proton Therapy Center plans and progress, Figure 1 (Data source 2, pp.832), Copyright (1995), with permission from Elsevier Science NL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.)

図2 Preliminary layout of NPTC building including the lower level which includes the accelerator equipment and the ground level.(原論文2より引用。 Reproduced from Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res., B99 p.830 (1995), J. Franz, S. Durlacher, M. Goitein, A. Levine, P. Reardon, A. Smith: Overview of the MGH-Northeast Proton Therapy Center plans and progress, Figure 2 (Data source 2, pp.833), Copyright (1995), with permission from Elsevier Science NL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.)
コメント :
原論文1 Data source 1:
Progress report on the IBA-SHI small cyclotron for cancer therapy
Y.Jongen, A.Laisne, W.Beeckman, J.P.Dufer, H.Marie, R.Verbruggen, H.Wollnik, N.Takahashi, S.Satoh, M.Sano and T.Takayama
Ion Beam Applications s.a., Chemin du Cyclotron, 2. B-1348 Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium, II.Physikalisches Institut Universitat Giessen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 16, D-6300 Giessen, Germany, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Niihama-City, Japan
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B79 p.885 (1993)
原論文2 Data source 2:
Overview of the MGH-Northeast Proton Therapy Center plans and progress
Jacob Franz, Stanley Durlacher, Michael Goitein, Anne Levine, Paul Reardon, Al Smith
Massachuhsetts General Hospital, Northeast Proton Therapy Center, Boston, MA02114, USA
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B99 p.830 (1995)
原論文3 Data source 3:
Proton radiation therapy: a summary of the world wide experience
Janet M. Sistereson
Cyclotron Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B99 p.827 (1995)
Cyclotron, Cancer Therapy